Project: Complete refurbishment of Maestro eviscerator
Complete refurbishment of Maestro 28 units eviscerator.
Replaceing main bearings eviscerator shaft, and packman shaft.
complete eviscerating unit, and packman unit overhaul.
Complete refurbishment of Maestro 28 units eviscerator.
Replaceing main bearings eviscerator shaft, and packman shaft.
complete eviscerating unit, and packman unit overhaul.
Installation of automatic rehanging machine, implemented in existing killing and evisceration line.
For sale
- Meyn
- Reconditioned
- Capacity: 7.000 BPH
For sale
- Meyn
- Reconditioned
- Capacity 7.000 BPH
For sale
- Meyn
- Reconditioned
- Capacity: 7.000 BHP
For sale
- Meyn
- Reconditioned
- 14 units
- 6 inch shakle pitch
- counter clockwise
For sale
- Meyn
- reconditioned
-5/10 units
- 6-12 inch
- counter clockwise
For sale
-5 unit/10 unit neckbreaker
-6/12 inch shackle pitch
For sale
- Meyn
- reconditioned
- leg cutter
- 6 inch shackle pitch
- clockwise
For sale
- Meyn
- reconditioned
- 14 units vent cutter
- 6 inch shackle pitch
- counter clockwise
For sale
- Meyn
- reconditioned
- 14 units birdwasher
- 6 inch shakle pitch
- counter clockwise
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